STORY series (Animated, Rock Opera in Koolfusion)
TRlX the Australian fruit bat is abducted from the wild after being lost by its mother in a mid air accident with a jet plane. Exceptional Psychic Interspecies Communication (E.P.I.C.) is a secret program based deep under the Sydney Observatory, studying biometric fields that surround all of us, to evaluate Interspecies Telepathic Tourism.
The study has turned up two main fields. A nature based field called the Morphus field that runs through the plant and wild animal life. It has existed through the ages of the earth. The other, a human based field called the Zuse field that runs through humans and their domesticated animals. It has only come into existence due to the rise in technological advances. The heart of EPIC is the biomass computer of the same name.
But this secret study is about to be mankind’s only hope, as a massive increase of the Morphic field erupts and spreads across the country.
All Zuse based beings touched by the field become stupid and are easily consumed by a new kind of alien plant life. The Morphic Field seems to be self aware, controlling and of ancient origins.
Follow TRlX and his friends as they try to stop our mass extinction. The story is told in the style of a modern rock opera in Koolfusion a Light/Audio music discipline. The Morphus and Zuse fields are represented by two different optical music scales that intertwine, forming a dual Koolfusion wave. (As performed by M. Davern).
To view the Koolfusion correctly, focus your attention on the subject and watch the colors with your peripheral vision.
Warning: contains flashing light.
The Quest starts NOW!
TRIX has been swallowed by the ground. You would think he would be more at home , but he's not that kind of bat.
His clan live in the trees, sleeping by day and feeding by night.
Living on honey and berries the flying fox can be almost a half a metre across its wing span.
From TRIX's point of view, Bats are the superior race. After all, they have been around on this planet for around 100 million years. Humans only arrived yesterday as the bat flies.
Did I mention, these little guys are on the endangered list.
As the Ground swallows TRIX, he keeps trying to flap his wings. He's breathing deeply. But the straps are too tight. All he can do is watch as his freedom is taken away.
Finally, they stop falling and the wall opens up. In front of TRIX are the human machines pulsing with the Lucemoon optical scale, pulsing the Zuse field and very apt musical track .
TRIX is exposed to a total human/machine environment that encloses him and he doesn't like it. The humans have a strange way of viewing the rhythm of live.
The Human machines step aside and TRIX is wheeled into the mouth of the human machine, strapped down and very scared. What is going to happen? If only he hadn't lost his grip of his mother, he wouldn't even be here!
There are more mighty doors opening and closing as he moves deeper into the human/machine beast.
Then every thing opens up and in this huge chamber we see the brightest of all the human/machines breathing in front of him - and humans floating through the air without wings! TRIX thinks this must be the heart of the beast, where his time will end. But no. He simply goes further into the beast as it watches his every move.
On the way, things got even stranger. A creature from the deep walking down the tunnel, but he was inside a machine! I could hear him talk , something about Link .
TRIX knew of these creatures from stories of the water creature that talk in light music. The Giant Australian cuttle fish. They are even more in tune with the wave and go back in time to the start of life in the oceans. The legendary ones at the start of life on this world.
TRIX finally reaches the end of the journey, but he is no sooner released but forced into a cage.
As the camera is pulled back we see TRIX is a research animal.
BY MICHAEL DAVERN TRIX series (Animated, Rock Opera in Koolfusion) TRlX the Australian flying fox is abducted from the wild after being lost by it's mother in a mid air accident with a jet plane. Exceptional Psychic Interspecies The Morphus and Zuse fields are represented by two different optical music scales that intertwine, forming a dual Koolfusion wave. (As performed by M. Davern).
To view the Koolfusion correctly, focus your attention on the subject and watch the colors with your peripheral vision. Warning: contains flashing light.